Denbighshire County Council’s pioneering online Tourism Ambassador Scheme; a free scheme that provides people with training about destinations in Wales, to create a baseline knowledge about the country’s natural and cultural resources.

Website development, CMS design, UX, online learning design and development, content creation.
In order to improve the visitor experience in both rural and coastal Wales, this online learning experience provides information via a set of courses and modules themed by different visitor experiences, each of which requires the learner to take a quiz or quizzes on the material to pass.
The courses are rewarding, challenging and easy to access, where anyone who has contact with visitors to the area, or anyone with an interest, can register for any course and follow the modules to earn accreditation at various levels. Content includes images, videos, maps, fun facts, and is available in both English and Welsh.
Some courses require you to pass compulsory modules before accessing a choice of the remaining modules according to your interest. At various stages you can earn Bronze, Silver and Gold Ambassador certificates.
“The Ambassador Programme has started something – the staff love them and some are on silver already. I can’t stop them from completing them, they really enjoy the different modules.”