When you see someone putting on his Big Boots, you can be pretty sure that an adventure is going to happen.’ A.A. Milne.

Adventure Smart UK is a website designed to help people who want to enjoy the outdoors safely. It encourages  you to follow government guidelines, know your limits by sticking to activities and locations within your comfort zone. To protect the communities and be prepared to find some amenities and local businesses close. They remind you to keep your distance especially in crowded areas, sanitize your hands and avoid touching gates and stiles if possible.

It also has a handy 3 question check list to see if you are safe to embark on your adventure.

  1. Do you have the right gear?
  2. Do you know what the weather will be like all day?
  3. Are you confident you have the right knowledge and skills for the day?

If you score 3/3, off you go and have a fantastic day!