So, it feels a little like here we go again, however it is important not to lose sight about why we are asked to do this. As of Friday 6 pm Wales will once again go into lockdown, when only essential travel is allowed in order to stop the rapid spread of the virus. This is only for two weeks so we can hopefully see light at the end of the tunnel.
Children meanwhile will still need to be looked after and entertained during half term and this can be difficult when day trips away and visits to attractions is not possible. We can look on the bright side as half term should cost a lot less than it normally does.
So what can we do with our little ones to entertain and dare I say tire them out?
Here are some simple ideas to get you started:
- Get the paint and glue and glitter out and create your own Halloween masks and decorations. Go a step further and collect some leaves and foliage from the hedgerows on a walk to add to the artwork. The colours of the leaves are so varied and beautiful at this time of year.
- Get carving those pumpkins for your own amusement ( its not as easy as it looks) or if you are feeling competitive a lot of towns and villages are running the ‘best pumpkin carving competition’.
We particularly like this one, they don’t have to be scary!
- Put a tent up in the garden if its not too windy, have hot chocolate or have a picnic on the living room floor while watching a family favourite film.
- Do some fun cooking, make your own hot dogs and toffee apples, get some sparklers and light that fire pit if you have one, toast some marshmallows and stare at our brilliant dark skies (did you know that the Clwydian range and Dee Valley AONB is applying for international accreditation for the quality of its dark skies) chat about the stars and have your own mini family outdoor night.
- Teach your children a new skill that you may be good at, children love one to one attention and you never know you might start them with an interest that lasts a lifetime.
- There are many ways to make a walk more interesting, make up a story as you are walking along using the things that you see. If they have a phone with a camera give them a list of things to photograph on a walk and once home pick the best photo to print or create a collage or a story about them.
- Geocaching is also a great way to get them to follow instructions, decipher clues and find a treasure. For more information click here.
No doubt you will have already thought of and some creative ideas of your own! We would love to hear about your half term exploits so please take photos and share with us using #northeastwales and remember
‘There is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes’
Alfred Wainwright
Cover photo by @ilovellan