Whilst we cope with the darkness of January in another lockdown we probably all have a similar wish that the months ahead will improve and are better than 2020.


You may dream of seeing your loved ones, when you want. Filling your diary with visits to different places and eating out but until we can do that safely, why don’t we focus on one day at a time?


Here are some tips to help you frame your day at home.


A lot of us right now may be working from home and by not commuting we may be freeing up some more time however with home schooling and less boundaries with home working it can leave us slightly frazzled. Try waking up half an hour earlier before everybody else have some time to collect your thoughts and go through your mental to-do list before the madness commences, see if this helps set you up on the right path for the day.


Embrace a 30 minute walk during the day. Leave your phone at home and become mindful of sights and sounds around you.  Do you know some doctors are now calling this the green prescription a natural remedy to stress and anxiety? If you are lucky enough to live in North East Wales you are never too far from some green spaces. Remember only to exercise within walking distance of your home during current restrictions to ensure everyone keeps safe.

Try daily breathing exercises.  You can find all sorts of online guides and apps to suit how you’re feeling at the moment.  Our favourite one at the moment is called the Square Breath. That is to imagine creating the sides of a square in your mind. Start by breathing in through your nose for the count of four as you draw one side of the square in your mind, then hold your breath for a count of four to create the second side of the square, breathe out for a count of four to create the third side of the square and finally bring the fourth side to meet the first side in your mind with no breath and repeat. This has a lovely calming effect and can act as a sleep aid.

Even 10 minutes a day of meditation can help especially when stress and anxiety are spiralling out of control. One we keep coming back to time and time again is the candle meditation.  Set a timer for 10 minutes and sit down with a lit candle in front of you.  Stare at the flame for 30 seconds then close your eyes and try to imagine the image of the flame in your mind’s eye.  Once thoughts start entering your head open your eyes and stare at the flame again and repeat, keep bringing your focus back to the flame until your mind feels clear.


Having a daily cold shower as advocated by Wim Hof can also clear negative thought processes and give your body a burst of energy. Visit his website for a quick guide.


If none of these hold any appeal why not take a tip from nature as it hibernates and rests. Simple midwinter pleasures of watching old films, read a new book, doing a jigsaw,  having an afternoon snooze under your favourite quilt, or  listen to a podcast. Why not plan something for your home or garden for the spring.  Get the slow cooker on and create some simmering aromatic stews.  Come in out of the cold to have cuppa by the fire and warm your feet. And if the mood takes you light a candle and take a moment to reflect on the safety of home. Sometimes we just have to make our own sunshine and appreciate what we can do instead of what we can’t.