In conjunction with Visit Wales campaign for a safe responsible return for visitors to Wales, we are asking our residents and our visitors to make their promise to Wales so it is a safe place for everyone to visit as restrictions slowly lift.
So what are we asking?
Care for each other
To look after your own health by regularly washing and sanitising your hands. Keep a safe distance from other people / groups by choosing open spaces and respecting local rules and to act immediately if you are feeling unwell, by following advice, sharing information and returning home if you need to.
Care for our Epic Land
By protecting our beautiful land by leaving no trace behind. Care for the countryside by sticking to paths, leaving gates as you find them and keeping dogs on leads when needed. Embrace our wonderful open spaces by avoiding crowded areas and hot spots, plan ahead by checking social media updates for car parking information and prepare for an adventure come rain or shine.
Also please don’t forget to Care for our communities
Become part of North East Wales by enjoying the culture and language. Choose local businesses by buying local produce and research and book ahead wherever you can.
At the moment you can only visit Wales if you live in Wales.
#visitwalessafely #addo
Image of Llandegla Forest by @gingernutt73